
Let's start at the very beginning...

So...how did this all start for me? Why do I do this, you ask?

It all started back in the beginning of the year. I was trying to eat healthier and get better exercise mainly to gain energy and have a better quality of life. I also had about 10-20 pounds to lose. I had already been trying to get healthier since last summer, and had shed almost 20 lbs but I was feeling lethargic. I wasn't getting exercise anymore and I needed a change.

After a week of eating out while hosting some out of town guests, I decided I need some type of body cleanse. A friend of mine offered some advice and I began eating just plain, unsweetened, unspiced, steamed or raw whole foods. Think salads, hard boiled eggs, and steamed brown rice. While it was really difficult the first few days...I realized how amazing my body felt after about a week. I had begun to detox all of the gross toxins and chemicals found in typical American cuisine. Plus, caffeine was gone and every refined sugar.

Anyway, about two weeks in...I found many many websites talking about "raw food". I tried a few recipes and well, and it was love at first taste. Not only did my body feeling amazing, I had a ton of energy, my skin looked great, but I also had amazing tasting food now. Oh...and in the first few weeks I I released about 15 pounds of excess from my body. That's just a bonus.

I forgot about counting calories, and ate whatever I wanted as long as it was raw. I started experimenting with lots of raw desserts, and I tell you...I just can't get enough. Eating raw is delicious, my body feels great, I've shed most of my unwanted weight and life is good. Raw is exciting and fun for me. I love thinking up new things to make and trying new recipes.

I also love inspiring others to think about what they put into their mouths. Raw whole foods are so great for you...you're body loves you when you feed it raw.

Well...that's how it all started.

I'm unsure how to organize this blog. I think it might help people if I post what I eat everyday to give you a general idea of how this lifestyle works. Maybe I do a FAQ post in the days to come as well. Send me your questions, if you got 'em.


1 comment:

  1. You go girl! Awesome bloggin! I have been asked so many times to start one, but I just, umm, don't feel like it. lol. You will inspire so many ppl the more you talk about it and live it!
